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Hangleton Primary School is committed to eliminating discrimination so that all our children and those who work here achieve their best and are able to access all the learning and social opportunities provided by the school.  Our school vision echoes this commitment: “Together, we inspire, we respect and we achieve”

We recognise and welcome The Equalities Act 2010 requires schools to publish information to show how we are working to:

  • Eliminate discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic* and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations between groups of people

*Protected characteristics the term used in the Equality Act to describe a range of different groups, including:

  • Disabled pupils and those with Special Educational Needs
  • Gender, including gender reassignment and transgender pupils
  • Minority ethnic pupils
  • Pupils for whom English is an additional language
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children
  • Religion or belief

In acknowledging similarities and differences between individuals and groups we strive to ensure that differences do not become barriers to participation, access and learning.

As a school we also consider other groups of pupils such as

  • Looked after pupils
  • Pupils who have been or are eligible for free school meals
  • Young carers

This forms part of our published information and it needs to be considered alongside the following policies/publications:  Anti-bullying policy, PSHE policy, SEND policy, Pupil Premium Policy, Equalities Policy, Anti-racist strategy, Recruitment Policy and our Behaviour policy.

As a primary school, we have a clear ethos where the individual child matters.  We ensure each individual feels valued and we work hard to teach our pupils to value each other.  We celebrate the fact that our school is inclusive and for all our children to feel safe and welcome.  We believe that by learning about each other and developing a positive learning environment, our children will learn better at school and in life.  We recognise that children have the same rights but different needs.  Therefore, we strive to give all children what they need.  We believe that by giving every child what they need, not giving every child the same, our children will achieve the best they can.

Together, We respect, we inspire, we achieve

Diversity Information

Hangleton Primary School is a school in Hangleton Valley on the western side of Brighton and Hove.  Due to falling pupil numbers across the city, our number of children on role is falling each year. The number of special needs children, disadvantaged children and children who speak English as an additional language, is inline with national figures.  

The large majority of our children attend a pre-school placement before arriving in Reception. We have a nursery on our site which we work very closely with – 100% of their children choose our school.  Attainment on entry is generally in line or just below age-related expectations, although this is cohort dependent. 

Attendance at school has historically been very good, although it has dropped significantly since the Covid pandemic and we are working hard to improve it.



Number SEND (%) EHCP (%) EAL

PP (%)

Attendance %

National   13% 2%   25% 96.4%
Reception 52 7     17 92.92
Year 1 59 4   9 12 96.32
Year 2 55 4   8 16 96.31
Year 3 58 8 1 8 19 95.24
Year 4 77 10   5 21 95.78
Year 5 59 8 3 8 17 95.78

Year 6

88 18 1 10 18 95.7
Total 477 59 5 48 117 95.56
%   12.3% 1% 10%




There is a range of different language background that the children come from which include Albanian, Bengali, Chinese Mandarin and Cantonese, Czech, French, Italian, Polish, Farsi, Korean, Kurdish, Malayam, Slovak, Spanish, Telugu,  Turkish and Urdu with a larger number of children also speaking Arabic.  You will find all the different languages that are spoken on the door of our classrooms.

School context data changed January 2023.
For further information, please see our Equalities Policy


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