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Latest Newsletter

28th June 2024

 Hangleton News!

The last two weeks have been a hive of creativity and celebration! It has been so lovely to invite families in to celebrate the finale of our Art Week with One World Connected Day. This was truly a fantastic community event and it was lovely to see so many families in the school. Withdean was another great celebration of Hangleton’s community-this time of the sporting variety. All of our children put their all into their events and their collaboration and sportsmanship was impressive. 

One World Connected Day

On Friday, we held our second annual 'One World Connected' Day here at Hangleton. Thanks to our amazing art leads Mrs Orr and Mrs Broome and the expertise of our brilliant teachers, we had some incredible examples of artwork inspired from artists around the world. So many parents commented on how articulate the children were at talking about their learning last week, connecting us to family and friends across the globe and all the ways in which we feel proud of our many different languages, cultural heritage and how we take inspiration from others to embrace and celebrate our differences. Thankyou so much to every parent who made and brought in delicious food to share-this made it clearer than ever-Food Unites Us!  Miss Fryer

Withdean Athletics Meet

Our school athletic team performed brilliantly at the Brighton & Hove Primary Schools championship at the Withdean track recently, winning the cup for our division against seven other schools, and with lots of children winning medals. It was a great team effort. Well done to all forty one of them, they represented Hangleton with great sportsmanship and respect. Mr Edwards

Art Week

The combination of Art week and One World Connected Day was a great success. Over the week, the children enjoyed learning about different sculptors, and then had fun making their own sculptures where we included food packaging from around the world. It was so lovely to see so many of you come to enjoy the food and see their final creative sculptures on Friday.  Mrs Orr.


We understand that transition can be a difficult time for the children. Each year we work hard to help to support children during this change. Please do not hesitate to approach us to let us know if your child is finding this difficult. Good communication and a team of support, can make all of the difference!

Hot Weather

As the weather is getting better and hotter, please make sure your apply sun cream to your children before school and provide them with a water bottle and hat for play and lunchtimes.

Breakfast & After School Club

The cost of breakfast club and after school club will rise from 1st September 2024 to:

Breakfast Club - £4.25 per session

After School Club - £12.00 per session

Please pay and book for any sessions via Parentpay


Monday 1st July                                        EYFS & Year 1 & 2 Discos

Tuesday 2nd July                                     EYFS & KS1 Sports Day 9am

Tuesday 2nd July                                    Year 3, 4 & 5 Discos

Wednesday 3rd July                               Year 1 Trip to Lewes Castle

Wednesday 3rd July                                Brighton & Hove Swimming Gala

Thursday 4th July                                    KS2 Sports Day - Year 3 & 4  9am - Year 5 & 6  10.45am                                                                                                  

Friday 5th July                                         Year 6 Citywide Transition Day

Wednesday 10th July                             Year 6 Jungle Book performance

Thursday 11th July                                  Year 6 Jungle Book performance

Thursday 18th July                                 Year 6 Graduation 6pm

Monday 22nd July                                  Year 6 Leavers Disco

Tuesday 23rd July                                   Last day of term 

Summer Holidays Weds 24th July - Friday 30th August 2024

Monday 2nd September                      Inset Day

Tuesday 3rd September                      Inset Day                 

 Wednesday 4th September              Children return to school 8.45am



























































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