Trips and in school Visitors

Hindleap Warren
In year 6 the children are given the opportunity to spend four days at Hindleap Warren Outdoor Pursuits Centre in Ashdown Forest. This mainly involves environmental and physical activities including archery, climbing, nature work, obstacle courses, swimming and team building. |
The school staff work closely with the Hindleap professional staff in all the activities, which are organised throughout the days and evenings. The catering staff provide three hot meals each day.
The Centre comprises of a purpose built complex constructed in the style of the Swedish log cabin. There is a dormitory wing consisting of 4, 5 and 6 berth bedrooms, washrooms etc. recreation and dining areas, lecture theatre, classrooms and a field laboratory.
January is one of the best times in the year to participate in the Hindleap activities as the building, staff and courses are geared to the weather and the dark evenings provide a stimulus for close group awareness.
The school likes to enrich the curriculm with a variety of trips and visitors